Tuesday, May 15, 2012

St. Paul - Undaunted

In today's Mass readings from Acts 16:22-34 - "The crowd in Philippi joined in the attack on Paul and Silas ..."

The day  started badly for Paul and Silas and things just kept spiraling downward. After being attacked, they were stripped and beaten with rods, after receiving many blows they were thrown into the innermost cells of prison and chained to stakes in the ground. Then later that evening around midnight the prison was struck by a severe earthquake. That same day, after all of this, they ended up converting and baptizing their jailer and his entire household, having their wounds taken care of, and celebrating with a fine meal afterwards.
What a day ... and that wasn't the first time Paul had triumphed over adversity. While he was in Lystra, they stoned him until they thought he was dead. But he just got right back up and started preaching again.

Thanks be to God!

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